IGIS Asset Management introduced its first ESG brochure 작성일23-04-03
We are pleased to present our ESG brochure, which provides an extensive overview of our ESG initiatives and performance in 2022 and highlights
our commitment to responsible and sustainable investing. We firmly believe that ESG considerations are critical in delivering long-term value for
our stakeholders, and our efforts to integrate ESG factors into our investment activities and corporate operations are emphasized in this
brochure. We plan to publish annual ESG reports and expand the scope of our ESG reporting to provide transparency and accountability to our
stakeholders. We consider this brochure as an essential starting point in our ESG reporting journey, and we aim to continuously improve our
ESG performance through our responsible and sustainable investment approach. (The brochure can be downloaded from the link below)
2022_ESG_Brochure_IGIS_Asset_Management_.pdf (21.4M)
150회 다운로드 | DATE : 2023-06-29 13:22:52
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